What's your property worth?

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My Property Value — FAQs

How do you estimate the value of my home?
Unlike other property evaluation calculators, Agent Select uses a sophisticated algorithm (built with a Core Logicâ„¢ Data feed) to calculate your current home value. The formula looks at previous sales of similar properties in the area over the last 12 months to estimate a value. Of course, many properties have different levels of finishes and renovations which can affect the ability to determine an accurate value.

How often do I need to find out what my property's worth?
With the speed of the real estate market, a home value estimate is usually deemed 'current' if it's no more than three months old.

What changes my home value?
A number of factors can alter the property value, up or down. This includes the historical sale price for the home, the quality of the suburb, new local attractions and upcoming developments, the condition of the house, recent additions or renovations, and the current real estate market performance.

How can I increase the current value of my home?
If you're not satisfied with how much your house is worth, consider investing time boosting its market value. Improve the street appeal, extend your outdoor entertainment area, install new tapware, remodel the kitchen or bathroom, repaint the entire home, and switch to energy efficient features.

I'm not ready to sell yet. Can I still find out what my home is worth?
Yes, if you're just curious about how much your property is worth, start the process anytime. Just be prepared to repeat the estimation closer to when you're planning to sell your house.

How is Agent Select different from other 'value my property' services?
Our independent, no-obligation algorithm identifies your best performing real estate agents in your local area. Rather than feeding out your information and fielding endless calls from agents, our system puts you in control. We'll present you with the three highest-performing agents and you pick the one that feels right.

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